It’s a fact that many people use iPhones and iPads to browse the internet and since Apple doesn’t allow flash media to be played on these devices much of the media on the web goes unnoticed. Many video spokespeople site only use adobe flash to play their website greeters. So having a video from these companies, really doesn't benefit your business if your visitor is on an Apple device.
Your marketing message is important and we don't want anyone to miss hearing it or seeing it. The solution: Impact Spokesperson offers an iPhone and iPad compatible version of your video spokesperson.
When someone visits your site, our technology will detect whether or not your website visitors are using an iPad or iPhone device and then serves the appropriate video format for that device.
So regardless of the browser, whether its flash enabled or not - your website visitors will never miss your video spokesperson as they walk out onto your website.
Visit our website to learn more about our Ipad compatible version of our Video Spokespeople.